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Early Marriage

Senin, Desember 27, 2010

early marriage
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Z & L: Good morning, Indonesia, meet again   with us in the event that always awaited.
Insert (Information Celebrities).

Z: Viewers, news today is about early marriage.
Recently, early marriages have become increasingly common among the actress / celebrity. As at 2 October 2010 a beautiful artist, Risti Tagor and Rifki Balwell decided to get married at a young age. what is the reason for them to marry at a young age? check this out.

L: Dont want to miss, a famous singer through song hits "pecinta wanita" Irwansyah also will get married in the near future. Precisely on 15 January 2011, Irwansyah and Zaskia Sungkar be sacred vows at the Masjid al-Bina, Senayan Jakarta. check this out

Z: To explain the phenomenon of early marriage, we have invited a psychologist, prof dr.Deni chrisnani to comment on the phenomenon.

Z: Good morning Miss Ninis, how are you?
N: Morning, fine.
Z: Now, early marriage in Indonesia has become a natural thing, how do you think?
N: Yes, early marriage is considered reasonable because of the many factors that support.
L: Oh yes, what factors support early marriage?
N: There are 2 factors that support early marriage:
Internal factors
       1. Avoiding free sex
          lovers do in order to avoid early marriage
          of adultery or promiscuity.
       2. Accidents and pregnant out of wedlock (MBA)
           Weddings are performed by a pair of lovers have been doing sex outside marriage.
External factors
Factors that encourage the young age of marriage:
a. Economic
Marriage age occur to relieve the burden on parents
=>> Download Early Marriage.doc